NvRWA Training Materials
Drinking Water Training
Below is a list of classroom materials used in state approved courses offered by NvRWA to allow operators to earn the CEUs necessary to maintain their certification. If you are enrolled in a class, you will find the materials for your class arranged alphabetically in the list below. If you cannot find the materials you are looking for, please email the NvRWA office at [email protected], or call 775-841-4222
Basic Water Operations Math - 2018.pdf |
Conversion Table - ABC Water Treatment and Lab.pdf |
Conversion Table - Water Treatment.pdf |
D2 Exam Study Guide.pdf |
Disinfection and Chemistry - 2022.pdf |
Disinfection Pre-Cert 3 - 2022.pdf |
Distribution Conversion Sheet.pdf |
DSO Math Review Training Series - 2022.pdf |
EPA Cyber Security - Small Systems 2023.pdf |
Intermediate Water Math - 2022-07.pdf |
O and M Pre-Cert 2022-03.pdf |
Operator Math - Beginning 2023.pdf |
Operator Math Review - 2022.pdf |
Pumps and Motors - 2022.pdf |
Pumps, Motors, Valves and Meters - 2022.pdf |
Source Water and Geology 2023.pdf |
Storage Facilities, Pipes, Conveyances and Hydrants - 2022.pdf |
Storage Facilities, Pipes, Conveyances and Hydrants - 2022-08.pdf |
T2 Presentations Combined.pdf |
Water Board Training - 2021.pdf |
Water Distribution Class I.pdf |
Water Distribution Class II.pdf |
Water Distribution Class IV.pdf |
Water Distribution I & II Exam Prep.pdf |
Water Distribution III & IV Exam Prep 2023.pdf |
Water Distribution System Math Refresher 2022-07.pdf |
Water Treatment III Exam Prep - 2022-03.pdf |
Water Treatment Basics.pdf |
Water Treatment Class II.pdf |
Water Treatment Operation 2 - 2023.pdf |